Authored by : Sangeen Khan , Syed Mohsin AliShah , Muhammad AsadKhan

01 Pages : 1-19


  • Aberson, C. L., Healy, M., & Romero, V. (2000). Ingroup bias and self-esteem: A meta- analysis. Personality social psychology review, 4(2), 157-173.
  • Albinger, H. S., & Freeman, S. J. J. J. o. B. E. (2000). Corporate social performance and attractiveness as an employer to different job seeking populations. 28(3), 243- 253.
  • Anderson, J. C., & Gerbing, D. W. (1988). Structural equation modeling in practice: A review and recommended two-step approach. Psychological bulletin, 103(3), 411.
  • Arthur, J. B. J. A. o. M. j. (1994). Effects of human resource systems on manufacturing performance and turnover. 37(3), 670-687.
  • Ashforth, B. E., & Mael, F. J. A. o. m. r. (1989). Social identity theory and the organization. 14(1), 20-39.
  • Baron, R. M., & Kenny, D. A. (1986). The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations. Journal of personality social psychology, 51(6), 1173
  • Berger, I. E., Cunningham, P. H., & Drumwright, M. E. (2006). Identity, identification, and relationship through social alliances. Journal of the academy of marketing science, 34(2), 128-137.
  • Bhattacharya, C. B., & Sen, S. (2003). Consumer-company identification: A framework for understanding consumers' relationships with companies. Journal of marketing, 67(2), 76-88.
  • Bhattacharya, C. B., & Sen, S. (2004). Doing better at doing good: When, why, and how consumers respond to corporate social initiatives. California management review, 47(1), 9-24.
  • Blau, G. J., & Boal, K. B. J. A. o. m. r. (1987). Conceptualizing how job involvement and organizational commitment affect turnover and absenteeism. 12(2), 288-300.
  • Boxall, P., & Macky, K. J. H. R. M. J. (2009). Research and theory on high‐performance work systems: progressing the high‐involvement stream. 19(1), 3-23.
  • Brammer, S., & Millington, A. J. J. o. b. e. (2005). Corporate reputation and philanthropy: An empirical analysis. 61(1), 29-44.
  • Brown, T. J., Dacin, P. A., Pratt, M. G., & Whetten, D. A. (2006). Identity, intended image, construed image, and reputation: An interdisciplinary framework and suggested terminology. Journal of the academy of marketing science, 34(2), 99-106.
  • Carmeli, A., Gilat, G., & Waldman, D. A. (2007). The role of perceived organizational performance in organizational identification, adjustment and job performance. Journal of Management Studies, 44(6), 972-992.
  • Dobers, P., & Halme, M. (2009). Corporate social responsibility and developing countries. Corporate social responsibility & environmental management, 16(5), 237-249.
  • Dutton, J. E., Dukerich, J. M., & Harquail, C. V. (1994). Organizational images and member identification. Administrative science quarterly, 239-263.
  • Gardner, T. M., Wright, P. M., & Moynihan, L. M. (2011). The impact of motivation, empowerment, and skill‐enhancing practices on aggregate voluntary turnover: The mediating effect of collective affective commitment. Journal Personnel psychology, 64(2), 315-350.
  • Gould‐Williams, J. J. P. A. (2004). The effects of 'high commitment'HRM practices on employee attitude: The views of public sector workers. 82(1), 63-81.
  • Greening, D. W., & Turban, D. B. (2000). Corporate social performance as a competitive advantage in attracting a quality workforce. Business & Society, 39(3), 254-280.
  • Guest, D. E. J. J. o. m. S. (1987). Human resource management and industrial relations [1]. 24(5), 503-521.
  • Hair Jr, J. (2006). Black, WC, Babin, BJ Anderson, RE & Tatham, RL (2006). Multivariate data analysis, 6
  • Hart, S. L., & Milstein, M. B. J. M. S. M. R. (1999). Global sustainability and the creative destruction of industries. 41(1), 23.
  • Hennig-Thurau, T., Gwinner, K. P., & Gremler, D. D. (2002). Understanding relationship marketing outcomes: an integration of relational benefits and relationship quality. Journal of service research, 4(3), 230-247.
  • Hogg, M. A., & Terry, D. I. (2000). Social identity and self-categorization processes in organizational contexts. Academy of Management review, 25(1), 121-140.
  • Hogg, M. A., Terry, D. J., & White, K. M. J. S. p. q. (1995). A tale of two theories: A critical comparison of identity theory with social identity theory. 255-269.
  • Jeurissen, R. J. J. o. B. E. (2004). Institutional conditions of corporate citizenship. 53(1- 2), 87-96.
  • Jones, D. A. (2010). Does serving the community also serve the company? Using organizational identification and social exchange theories to understand employee responses to a volunteerism programme. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, 83(4), 857-878.
  • Kim, H.-R., Lee, M., Lee, H.-T., & Kim, N.-M. (2010). Corporate social responsibility and employee-company identification. Journal of Business Ethics, 95(4), 557-569.
  • Kotler, P., & Lee, N. (2008). Corporate social responsibility: Doing the most good for your company and your cause: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Lee, M. D. P. J. I. j. o. m. r. (2008). A review of the theories of corporate social responsibility: Its evolutionary path and the road ahead. 10(1), 53-73.
  • Lichtenstein, D. R., Drumwright, M. E., & Braig, B. M. J. J. o. m. (2004). The effect of corporate social responsibility on customer donations to corporate-supported nonprofits. 68(4), 16-32.
  • Lindgreen, A., Swaen, V., & Johnston, W. J. J. J. o. b. e. (2009). Corporate social responsibility: An empirical investigation of US organizations. 85(2), 303-323.
  • Luo, X., & Bhattacharya, C. B. J. J. o. m. (2006). Corporate social responsibility, customer satisfaction, and market value. 70(4), 1-18.
  • Mael, F., & Ashforth, B. E. (1992). Alumni and their alma mater: A partial test of the reformulated model of organizational identification. Journal of organizational Behavior, 13(2), 103-123.
  • Maignan, I., Ferrell, O., & Ferrell, L. J. E. J. o. M. (2005). A stakeholder model for implementing social responsibility in marketing. 39(9/10), 956-977.
  • Maignan, I., & Ferrell, O. C. (2001). Corporate citizenship as a marketing instrument- Concepts, evidence and research directions. European journal of marketing, 35(3/4), 457-484.
  • Maignan, I., Ferrell, O. C., & Hult, G. T. M. J. j. o. t. A. o. M. S. (1999). Corporate citizenship: Cultural antecedents and business benefits. 27(4), 455-469.
  • Marin, L., & Ruiz, S. (2007). 'I need you too!' Corporate identity attractiveness for consumers and the role of social responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 71(3), 245-260.
  • Marsden, P. V., Kalleberg, A. L., & Cook, C. R. (1993). Gender differences in organizational commitment: Influences of work positions and family roles. Work Occupations, 20(3), 368-390.
  • Mathieu, J. E., & Zajac, D. M. J. P. b. (1990). A review and meta-analysis of the antecedents, correlates, and consequences of organizational commitment. 108(2), 171.
  • Menon, A., Bharadwaj, S. G., & Howell, R. J. J. o. t. A. o. M. S. (1996). The quality and effectiveness of marketing strategy: Effects of functional and dysfunctional conflict in intraorganizational relationships. 24(4), 299.
  • Meyer, J., & Allen, N. (1997). Advanced topics in organization behavior series. Commitment in the workplace: Theory, research, and application. Thousand Oaks, CA, US. In: Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Meyer, J. P., & Allen, N. J. J. H. r. m. r. (1991). A three-component conceptualization of organizational commitment. 1(1), 61-89.
  • Mohr, L. A., Webb, D. J., & Harris, K. E. J. J. o. C. a. (2001). Do consumers expect companies to be socially responsible? The impact of corporate social responsibility on buying behavior. 35(1), 45-72.
  • Moksness, L. (2014). Verbal Measure, or Graphic Measure, or Both? Psychometric Study of Organizational Identification. UiT Norges arktiske universitet,
  • Montgomery, C., & Stone, G. (2009). Revisiting consumer environmental responsibility: A five nation cross-cultural analysis and comparison of consumer ecological opinions and behaviors.
  • Mowday, R. T., Steers, R. M., & Porter, L. W. J. J. o. v. b. (1979). The measurement of organizational commitment. 14(2), 224-247.
  • Noble, C. H., & Mokwa, M. P. (1999). Implementing marketing strategies: Developing and testing a managerial theory. The Journal of Marketing, 57-73.
  • Nunnally, J. (1978). Psychometric methods. In: New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • O'Reilly, C. A., & Chatman, J. (1986). Organizational commitment and psychological attachment: The effects of compliance, identification, and internalization on prosocial behavior. Journal of applied psychology, 71(3), 492.
  • Peterson, D. K. (2004). The relationship between perceptions of corporate citizenship and organizational commitment. Business & Society, 43(3), 296-319.
  • Pinkston, T. S., & Carroll, A. B. (1994). Corporate citizenship perspectives and foreign direct investment in the US. Journal of Business Ethics, 13(3), 157-169.
  • Porter, M. E., & Kramer, M. R. J. H. b. r. (2002). The competitive advantage of corporate philanthropy. 80(12), 56-68.
  • Pratt, M. (2001). Social identity dynamics in modern organizations: Psychology Press.
  • Pratt, M. G. (1998). Central questions in organizational identification. Identity in organizations, 171-207.
  • Pratt, M. G., & Foreman, P. O. (2000). The beauty of and barriers to organizational theories of identity. Academy of Management review, 25(1), 141-143.
  • Preacher, K. J., & Hayes, A. F. (2004). SPSS and SAS procedures for estimating indirect effects in simple mediation models. Behavior research methods, instruments, computers, 36(4), 717-731.
  • Raja, U., Johns, G., & Ntalianis, F. (2004). The impact of personality on psychological contracts. Academy of Management journal, 47(3), 350-367.
  • Randy Evans, W., & Davis, W. D. (2011). An examination of perceived corporate citizenship, job applicant attraction, and CSR work role definition. Business & Society, 50(3), 456-480.
  • Rettab, B., Brik, A. B., & Mellahi, K. (2009). A study of management perceptions of the impact of corporate social responsibility on organizational performance in emerging economies: the case of Dubai. Journal of Business Ethics, 89(3), 371- 390.
  • Riordan, C. M., Gatewood, R. D., & Bill, J. B. J. J. o. B. E. (1997). Corporate image: Employee reactions and implications for managing corporate social performance. 16(4), 401-412.
  • Rodrigo, P., & Arenas, D. (2008). Do employees care about CSR programs? A typology of employees according to their attitudes. Journal of Business Ethics, 83(2), 265- 283.
  • Rousseau, D. (1995). Psychological contracts in organizations: Understanding written and unwritten agreements: Sage Publications.
  • Scott, S. G., & Lane, V. R. (2000). A stakeholder approach to organizational identity. Academy of Management review, 25(1), 43-62.
  • Sıngh, J., Sanchez, M., & Bosque. (2008). UnderstandingCorporateSocialResponsibilityand Product Perceptions in Consumer Markets: A Cross-Cultural Evaluation. Journal of Business Ethics, 80, 597-611.
  • Smidts, A., Pruyn, A. T. H., & Van Riel, C. B. J. A. o. M. j. (2001). The impact of employee communication and perceived external prestige on organizational identification. 44(5), 1051-1062.
  • Tajfel, H., Fraser, C., & Jaspars, J. M. F. (1984). The Social Dimension: Volume 1: European Developments in Social Psychology (Vol. 1): Cambridge University Press.
  • Tajfel, H., & Turner, J. (1986). The social identity theory of intergroup behaviour. u: Worchel S. i Austin WG (ur.) Psychology of intergroup relations. Chicago: Nelson Hall.
  • Tsui, A. S., Nifadkar, S. S., & Ou, A. Y. (2007). Cross-national, cross-cultural organizational behavior research: Advances, gaps, and recommendations. Journal of management, 33(3), 426-478.
  • Turner, J. C., Hogg, M. A., Oakes, P. J., Reicher, S. D., & Wetherell, M. S. (1987). Rediscovering the social group: A self-categorization theory: Basil Blackwell.
  • Tyler, T. R., & Blader, S. L. (2000). Cooperation in Groups: Procedural Justice. Social Identity, Behavioral Engagement, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Tyler, T. R., & Blader, S. L. (2002). Autonomous vs. comparative status: Must we be better than others to feel good about ourselves? Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes, 89(1), 813-838.
  • Vakola, M., & Nikolaou, I. (2005). Attitudes towards organizational change: What is the role of employees' stress and commitment? Employee relations, 27(2), 160-174.
  • Van Marrewijk, M. (2003). Concepts and definitions of CSR and corporate sustainability: Between agency and communion. Journal of Business Ethics, 44(2-3), 95-105.
  • Ven, V. D. (2008). An ethical framework for the marketing of corporate social responsibility. 82(2), 339-352.
  • Wagner, U., & Ward, P. L. (1993). Variation of out‐group presence and evaluation of the in‐group. British Journal of Social Psychology, 32(3), 241-251.
  • Wanderley, L. S. O., Lucian, R., Farache, F., & de Sousa Filho, J. M. J. J. o. b. e. (2008). CSR information disclosure on the web: a context-based approach analyzing the influence of country of origin and industry sector. 82(2), 369-378.
  • Whitener, E. M. J. J. o. m. (2001). Do
  • Aberson, C. L., Healy, M., & Romero, V. (2000). Ingroup bias and self-esteem: A meta- analysis. Personality social psychology review, 4(2), 157-173.
  • Albinger, H. S., & Freeman, S. J. J. J. o. B. E. (2000). Corporate social performance and attractiveness as an employer to different job seeking populations. 28(3), 243- 253.
  • Anderson, J. C., & Gerbing, D. W. (1988). Structural equation modeling in practice: A review and recommended two-step approach. Psychological bulletin, 103(3), 411.
  • Arthur, J. B. J. A. o. M. j. (1994). Effects of human resource systems on manufacturing performance and turnover. 37(3), 670-687.
  • Ashforth, B. E., & Mael, F. J. A. o. m. r. (1989). Social identity theory and the organization. 14(1), 20-39.
  • Baron, R. M., & Kenny, D. A. (1986). The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations. Journal of personality social psychology, 51(6), 1173
  • Berger, I. E., Cunningham, P. H., & Drumwright, M. E. (2006). Identity, identification, and relationship through social alliances. Journal of the academy of marketing science, 34(2), 128-137.
  • Bhattacharya, C. B., & Sen, S. (2003). Consumer-company identification: A framework for understanding consumers' relationships with companies. Journal of marketing, 67(2), 76-88.
  • Bhattacharya, C. B., & Sen, S. (2004). Doing better at doing good: When, why, and how consumers respond to corporate social initiatives. California management review, 47(1), 9-24.
  • Blau, G. J., & Boal, K. B. J. A. o. m. r. (1987). Conceptualizing how job involvement and organizational commitment affect turnover and absenteeism. 12(2), 288-300.
  • Boxall, P., & Macky, K. J. H. R. M. J. (2009). Research and theory on high‐performance work systems: progressing the high‐involvement stream. 19(1), 3-23.
  • Brammer, S., & Millington, A. J. J. o. b. e. (2005). Corporate reputation and philanthropy: An empirical analysis. 61(1), 29-44.
  • Brown, T. J., Dacin, P. A., Pratt, M. G., & Whetten, D. A. (2006). Identity, intended image, construed image, and reputation: An interdisciplinary framework and suggested terminology. Journal of the academy of marketing science, 34(2), 99-106.
  • Carmeli, A., Gilat, G., & Waldman, D. A. (2007). The role of perceived organizational performance in organizational identification, adjustment and job performance. Journal of Management Studies, 44(6), 972-992.
  • Dobers, P., & Halme, M. (2009). Corporate social responsibility and developing countries. Corporate social responsibility & environmental management, 16(5), 237-249.
  • Dutton, J. E., Dukerich, J. M., & Harquail, C. V. (1994). Organizational images and member identification. Administrative science quarterly, 239-263.
  • Gardner, T. M., Wright, P. M., & Moynihan, L. M. (2011). The impact of motivation, empowerment, and skill‐enhancing practices on aggregate voluntary turnover: The mediating effect of collective affective commitment. Journal Personnel psychology, 64(2), 315-350.
  • Gould‐Williams, J. J. P. A. (2004). The effects of 'high commitment'HRM practices on employee attitude: The views of public sector workers. 82(1), 63-81.
  • Greening, D. W., & Turban, D. B. (2000). Corporate social performance as a competitive advantage in attracting a quality workforce. Business & Society, 39(3), 254-280.
  • Guest, D. E. J. J. o. m. S. (1987). Human resource management and industrial relations [1]. 24(5), 503-521.
  • Hair Jr, J. (2006). Black, WC, Babin, BJ Anderson, RE & Tatham, RL (2006). Multivariate data analysis, 6
  • Hart, S. L., & Milstein, M. B. J. M. S. M. R. (1999). Global sustainability and the creative destruction of industries. 41(1), 23.
  • Hennig-Thurau, T., Gwinner, K. P., & Gremler, D. D. (2002). Understanding relationship marketing outcomes: an integration of relational benefits and relationship quality. Journal of service research, 4(3), 230-247.
  • Hogg, M. A., & Terry, D. I. (2000). Social identity and self-categorization processes in organizational contexts. Academy of Management review, 25(1), 121-140.
  • Hogg, M. A., Terry, D. J., & White, K. M. J. S. p. q. (1995). A tale of two theories: A critical comparison of identity theory with social identity theory. 255-269.
  • Jeurissen, R. J. J. o. B. E. (2004). Institutional conditions of corporate citizenship. 53(1- 2), 87-96.
  • Jones, D. A. (2010). Does serving the community also serve the company? Using organizational identification and social exchange theories to understand employee responses to a volunteerism programme. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, 83(4), 857-878.
  • Kim, H.-R., Lee, M., Lee, H.-T., & Kim, N.-M. (2010). Corporate social responsibility and employee-company identification. Journal of Business Ethics, 95(4), 557-569.
  • Kotler, P., & Lee, N. (2008). Corporate social responsibility: Doing the most good for your company and your cause: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Lee, M. D. P. J. I. j. o. m. r. (2008). A review of the theories of corporate social responsibility: Its evolutionary path and the road ahead. 10(1), 53-73.
  • Lichtenstein, D. R., Drumwright, M. E., & Braig, B. M. J. J. o. m. (2004). The effect of corporate social responsibility on customer donations to corporate-supported nonprofits. 68(4), 16-32.
  • Lindgreen, A., Swaen, V., & Johnston, W. J. J. J. o. b. e. (2009). Corporate social responsibility: An empirical investigation of US organizations. 85(2), 303-323.
  • Luo, X., & Bhattacharya, C. B. J. J. o. m. (2006). Corporate social responsibility, customer satisfaction, and market value. 70(4), 1-18.
  • Mael, F., & Ashforth, B. E. (1992). Alumni and their alma mater: A partial test of the reformulated model of organizational identification. Journal of organizational Behavior, 13(2), 103-123.
  • Maignan, I., Ferrell, O., & Ferrell, L. J. E. J. o. M. (2005). A stakeholder model for implementing social responsibility in marketing. 39(9/10), 956-977.
  • Maignan, I., & Ferrell, O. C. (2001). Corporate citizenship as a marketing instrument- Concepts, evidence and research directions. European journal of marketing, 35(3/4), 457-484.
  • Maignan, I., Ferrell, O. C., & Hult, G. T. M. J. j. o. t. A. o. M. S. (1999). Corporate citizenship: Cultural antecedents and business benefits. 27(4), 455-469.
  • Marin, L., & Ruiz, S. (2007). 'I need you too!' Corporate identity attractiveness for consumers and the role of social responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 71(3), 245-260.
  • Marsden, P. V., Kalleberg, A. L., & Cook, C. R. (1993). Gender differences in organizational commitment: Influences of work positions and family roles. Work Occupations, 20(3), 368-390.
  • Mathieu, J. E., & Zajac, D. M. J. P. b. (1990). A review and meta-analysis of the antecedents, correlates, and consequences of organizational commitment. 108(2), 171.
  • Menon, A., Bharadwaj, S. G., & Howell, R. J. J. o. t. A. o. M. S. (1996). The quality and effectiveness of marketing strategy: Effects of functional and dysfunctional conflict in intraorganizational relationships. 24(4), 299.
  • Meyer, J., & Allen, N. (1997). Advanced topics in organization behavior series. Commitment in the workplace: Theory, research, and application. Thousand Oaks, CA, US. In: Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Meyer, J. P., & Allen, N. J. J. H. r. m. r. (1991). A three-component conceptualization of organizational commitment. 1(1), 61-89.
  • Mohr, L. A., Webb, D. J., & Harris, K. E. J. J. o. C. a. (2001). Do consumers expect companies to be socially responsible? The impact of corporate social responsibility on buying behavior. 35(1), 45-72.
  • Moksness, L. (2014). Verbal Measure, or Graphic Measure, or Both? Psychometric Study of Organizational Identification. UiT Norges arktiske universitet,
  • Montgomery, C., & Stone, G. (2009). Revisiting consumer environmental responsibility: A five nation cross-cultural analysis and comparison of consumer ecological opinions and behaviors.
  • Mowday, R. T., Steers, R. M., & Porter, L. W. J. J. o. v. b. (1979). The measurement of organizational commitment. 14(2), 224-247.
  • Noble, C. H., & Mokwa, M. P. (1999). Implementing marketing strategies: Developing and testing a managerial theory. The Journal of Marketing, 57-73.
  • Nunnally, J. (1978). Psychometric methods. In: New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • O'Reilly, C. A., & Chatman, J. (1986). Organizational commitment and psychological attachment: The effects of compliance, identification, and internalization on prosocial behavior. Journal of applied psychology, 71(3), 492.
  • Peterson, D. K. (2004). The relationship between perceptions of corporate citizenship and organizational commitment. Business & Society, 43(3), 296-319.
  • Pinkston, T. S., & Carroll, A. B. (1994). Corporate citizenship perspectives and foreign direct investment in the US. Journal of Business Ethics, 13(3), 157-169.
  • Porter, M. E., & Kramer, M. R. J. H. b. r. (2002). The competitive advantage of corporate philanthropy. 80(12), 56-68.
  • Pratt, M. (2001). Social identity dynamics in modern organizations: Psychology Press.
  • Pratt, M. G. (1998). Central questions in organizational identification. Identity in organizations, 171-207.
  • Pratt, M. G., & Foreman, P. O. (2000). The beauty of and barriers to organizational theories of identity. Academy of Management review, 25(1), 141-143.
  • Preacher, K. J., & Hayes, A. F. (2004). SPSS and SAS procedures for estimating indirect effects in simple mediation models. Behavior research methods, instruments, computers, 36(4), 717-731.
  • Raja, U., Johns, G., & Ntalianis, F. (2004). The impact of personality on psychological contracts. Academy of Management journal, 47(3), 350-367.
  • Randy Evans, W., & Davis, W. D. (2011). An examination of perceived corporate citizenship, job applicant attraction, and CSR work role definition. Business & Society, 50(3), 456-480.
  • Rettab, B., Brik, A. B., & Mellahi, K. (2009). A study of management perceptions of the impact of corporate social responsibility on organizational performance in emerging economies: the case of Dubai. Journal of Business Ethics, 89(3), 371- 390.
  • Riordan, C. M., Gatewood, R. D., & Bill, J. B. J. J. o. B. E. (1997). Corporate image: Employee reactions and implications for managing corporate social performance. 16(4), 401-412.
  • Rodrigo, P., & Arenas, D. (2008). Do employees care about CSR programs? A typology of employees according to their attitudes. Journal of Business Ethics, 83(2), 265- 283.
  • Rousseau, D. (1995). Psychological contracts in organizations: Understanding written and unwritten agreements: Sage Publications.
  • Scott, S. G., & Lane, V. R. (2000). A stakeholder approach to organizational identity. Academy of Management review, 25(1), 43-62.
  • Sıngh, J., Sanchez, M., & Bosque. (2008). UnderstandingCorporateSocialResponsibilityand Product Perceptions in Consumer Markets: A Cross-Cultural Evaluation. Journal of Business Ethics, 80, 597-611.
  • Smidts, A., Pruyn, A. T. H., & Van Riel, C. B. J. A. o. M. j. (2001). The impact of employee communication and perceived external prestige on organizational identification. 44(5), 1051-1062.
  • Tajfel, H., Fraser, C., & Jaspars, J. M. F. (1984). The Social Dimension: Volume 1: European Developments in Social Psychology (Vol. 1): Cambridge University Press.
  • Tajfel, H., & Turner, J. (1986). The social identity theory of intergroup behaviour. u: Worchel S. i Austin WG (ur.) Psychology of intergroup relations. Chicago: Nelson Hall.
  • Tsui, A. S., Nifadkar, S. S., & Ou, A. Y. (2007). Cross-national, cross-cultural organizational behavior research: Advances, gaps, and recommendations. Journal of management, 33(3), 426-478.
  • Turner, J. C., Hogg, M. A., Oakes, P. J., Reicher, S. D., & Wetherell, M. S. (1987). Rediscovering the social group: A self-categorization theory: Basil Blackwell.
  • Tyler, T. R., & Blader, S. L. (2000). Cooperation in Groups: Procedural Justice. Social Identity, Behavioral Engagement, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Tyler, T. R., & Blader, S. L. (2002). Autonomous vs. comparative status: Must we be better than others to feel good about ourselves? Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes, 89(1), 813-838.
  • Vakola, M., & Nikolaou, I. (2005). Attitudes towards organizational change: What is the role of employees' stress and commitment? Employee relations, 27(2), 160-174.
  • Van Marrewijk, M. (2003). Concepts and definitions of CSR and corporate sustainability: Between agency and communion. Journal of Business Ethics, 44(2-3), 95-105.
  • Ven, V. D. (2008). An ethical framework for the marketing of corporate social responsibility. 82(2), 339-352.
  • Wagner, U., & Ward, P. L. (1993). Variation of out‐group presence and evaluation of the in‐group. British Journal of Social Psychology, 32(3), 241-251.
  • Wanderley, L. S. O., Lucian, R., Farache, F., & de Sousa Filho, J. M. J. J. o. b. e. (2008). CSR information disclosure on the web: a context-based approach analyzing the influence of country of origin and industry sector. 82(2), 369-378.
  • Whitener, E. M. J. J. o. m. (2001). Do

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    APA : Khan, S., Shah, S. M. A., & Khan, M. A. (2016). The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employees' Organizational Commitment: The Central Role of Organizational Identification. Global Management Sciences Review, I(I), 1-19.
    CHICAGO : Khan, Sangeen, Syed Mohsin Ali Shah, and Muhammad Asad Khan. 2016. "The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employees' Organizational Commitment: The Central Role of Organizational Identification." Global Management Sciences Review, I (I): 1-19 doi: 10.31703/gmsr.2016(I-I).01
    HARVARD : KHAN, S., SHAH, S. M. A. & KHAN, M. A. 2016. The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employees' Organizational Commitment: The Central Role of Organizational Identification. Global Management Sciences Review, I, 1-19.
    MHRA : Khan, Sangeen, Syed Mohsin Ali Shah, and Muhammad Asad Khan. 2016. "The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employees' Organizational Commitment: The Central Role of Organizational Identification." Global Management Sciences Review, I: 1-19
    MLA : Khan, Sangeen, Syed Mohsin Ali Shah, and Muhammad Asad Khan. "The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employees' Organizational Commitment: The Central Role of Organizational Identification." Global Management Sciences Review, I.I (2016): 1-19 Print.
    OXFORD : Khan, Sangeen, Shah, Syed Mohsin Ali, and Khan, Muhammad Asad (2016), "The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employees' Organizational Commitment: The Central Role of Organizational Identification", Global Management Sciences Review, I (I), 1-19
    TURABIAN : Khan, Sangeen, Syed Mohsin Ali Shah, and Muhammad Asad Khan. "The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employees' Organizational Commitment: The Central Role of Organizational Identification." Global Management Sciences Review I, no. I (2016): 1-19.