03 Pages : 35-44      10.31703/gmsr.2022(VII-I).03      Published : Dec 2022

Internet Banking; Challenges in Pakistan

    Internet banking has made the financial transaction very easy to be carried out. In Pakistan as the internet banking is comparatively new and same is the case with financial transactions, there are some problems in performing or carrying out financial transactions. So a study was needed to point out the problems and weak points in internet banking. Questionnaire is used for data collection. Data has been collected from the available bank account holders from different regions in Pakistan. The research found people do not use internet banking. There is little awareness about internet banking. People’s perception about internet banking is not good because of the perceived risk. There is also a group of people who don’t use internet banking. By analyzing data taken from the respondents some recommendations are made. If those recommendations are applied then it is expected that most of the people will start using internet banking.

    Internet Banking, Challenges, Financial Transactions
    (1) Zia Ur Rahman
    Data Collection & Monitoring Assistant, Education Monitoring Authority, Elementary and Secondary Education Department. KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Qazi Waseem Jan
    Admin Assistant, National Transmission & Dispatch Company.
    (3) Waqar Ahmad
    Computer Operator, Education Monitoring Authority, Elementary and Secondary Education Department. KP, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Rahman, Zia Ur, Qazi Waseem Jan, and Waqar Ahmad. 2022. "Internet Banking; Challenges in Pakistan." Global Management Sciences Review, VII (I): 35-44 doi: 10.31703/gmsr.2022(VII-I).03
    HARVARD : RAHMAN, Z. U., JAN, Q. W. & AHMAD, W. 2022. Internet Banking; Challenges in Pakistan. Global Management Sciences Review, VII, 35-44.
    MHRA : Rahman, Zia Ur, Qazi Waseem Jan, and Waqar Ahmad. 2022. "Internet Banking; Challenges in Pakistan." Global Management Sciences Review, VII: 35-44
    MLA : Rahman, Zia Ur, Qazi Waseem Jan, and Waqar Ahmad. "Internet Banking; Challenges in Pakistan." Global Management Sciences Review, VII.I (2022): 35-44 Print.
    OXFORD : Rahman, Zia Ur, Jan, Qazi Waseem, and Ahmad, Waqar (2022), "Internet Banking; Challenges in Pakistan", Global Management Sciences Review, VII (I), 35-44